(English follows Japanese.)
EVO Japan 2025
このEVO Japan 2025大会規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)は、EVO Japan 2025に参加するすべてのプレイヤー(以下「参加者」といいます。)およびEVO Japan 2025の会場に入場するすべての方(以下「入場者」といいます。)に適用されます。
■ 開催概要
EVO Japan 2025は、各タイトルの「予選大会」と「決勝大会」で構成されます。
➤ 予選大会
EVO Japan 2025では、各タイトルにエントリーした参加者で、トーナメント方式の予選大会を行います。予選大会を勝ち抜いた参加者には、決勝大会の参加資格が与えられます。
➤ 決勝大会
各タイトルの予選大会を勝ち抜き決勝大会の参加資格を得た参加者で、トーナメント方式の決勝大会を行います。決勝大会のTOP8に関しては、各参加者の高い技術力、魅力のあるゲームプレイ、パフォーマンス等を称え、EVO Japan 2025大会スポンサー提供の賞金を順位に応じて授与します。
■ エントリー条件
予選大会へのエントリーには、入場チケット(3日間通し券)およびエントリーフィー(出場タイトルごと)が必要です。エントリーされる方は、入場チケット(3日間通し券)をご購入の上、エントリーしてください。なお、入場チケット(3日間通し券)または入場チケット(1日券)のいずれかをお持ちであればEVO Japan 2025の会場へご入場いただけますが、入場チケット(1日券)では予選大会にエントリーできませんので、EVO Japan 2025メインタイトルの予選大会にエントリーしない場合にのみ、入場チケット(1日券)をご購入ください。
*入場チケット・エントリーフィー等の大会参加に係る売上は、EVO Japan 2025の会場使用料その他設営に要する費用の一部としてのみ使用されます。
EVO Japan 2025は、風俗営業適正化法その他の法令を遵守するため、一般社団法人日本eスポーツ連合(JeSU)の「参加料徴収型大会ガイドライン」に基づく適合認証を受けています。そのため、各タイトルの予選大会の最大参加者数を設定しております。当該最大参加者数については、前年に開催されたEVO 2024およびEVO Japan 2024、その他過去大会の参加人数等を考慮した十分な人数で設定しておりますが、万一上限に達した場合にはエントリーを締め切らせていただきますのでご了承ください。最大参加者数に達したタイトルは、入場チケットをご購入済みの場合であってもエントリーいただけませんのでご注意ください。チケットご購入前に必ず参加希望タイトルのエントリー受付状況をご確認いただき、チケットご購入後はお早めのエントリーをお願いいたします。エントリー受付状況のご確認はこちら
EVO Japan 2025参加者は、参加当日に満13歳以上である必要があります。また、それ以上の年齢制限を設けているタイトルへの参加は当該年齢以上である必要があります(「STREET FIGHTER 6」、「THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV」および「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」については、満15歳以上である必要があります)。
その他、本規約を含め、EVO Japan 2025および各タイトルのルールに従うことに同意する必要があります。
■ 禁止事項
「EVO Japan 2025」では、以下の行為を禁止事項とします。
第1条 エントリー
第2条 大会参加
2項. EVO Japan 2025の進行や運営を意図的に妨害するような行為。
3項. EVO Japan 2025のルール、運営スタッフ、進行スタッフの指示に従わない行為。
4項.運営スタッフ、進行スタッフとして参加する場合、EVO Japan 2025の運営情報、およびEVO Japan 2025に関して知りえた機密情報(一般に公開されていない全ての情報を含みます。)を開示すること。
第3条 対戦中
第4条 会場内および撮影・配信
4項.実行委員会の許可のないまたはガイドラインに反した、EVO Japan 2025に含まれるまたは他のサーバーに含まれるコンテンツの配信(いわゆるミラー配信を含みます)、投稿、送信等の行為。また、実行委員会が事前に書面で明示的に許可した場合を除くEVO Japan 2025に含まれるコンテンツの複製、複写、販売、転売等の行為および商用利用。
■ ペナルティ
実行委員会が与えるペナルティは、違反内容や程度、EVO Japan 2025に与える影響の度合いによって、実行委員会が判断致します。
本規約において、「実行委員会」には、EVO Japan 2025実行委員会のメンバー企業、メンバー企業の役員、従業員、代理人および承継者、業務委託先等EVO Japan 2025の運営に携わるスタッフを含みます。
EVO Japan 2025で使用されるハードウェア、ソフトウェア、ゲームサーバまたはそれらの設定等の不具合により参加者に不利な状況等が生じた場合でも、実行委員会は一切責任を負いません。
EVO Japan 2025のウェブサイト上で掲載されている情報は、間違いのないよう注意しておりますが、内容の正確性などに関して表明および保証するものではなく、掲載情報を利用、拡散、転用するなどした結果として損害が発生したとしても、実行委員会は一切責任を負いません。
EVO Japan 2025の開催に関して、感染症拡大、天災、事故、法律の変更等、不可抗力の事態が発生した場合、断りなくEVO Japan 2025の日程や内容が変更(延期/中止/賞金提供の中止など)になる場合がありますが、これらの事由に基づき入場者・参加者に損害が発生したとしても、実行委員会は一切の責任を負いません。
実行委員会は、参加者がエントリー受付時に登録した個人情報およびプレイヤーネーム、年齢、入場者・参加者の肖像を含む情報に関して、収集した情報をEVO Japan 2025の運営/広報を目的として利用します。実行委員会は、個人情報の取り扱いにつき、EVO Japan 2025 プライバシーポリシーに従います。
EVO Japan 2025期間中および当該期間後において、実行委員会およびEVO Japan 2025関係者、各種メディア、配信者等によって入場者・参加者の画像および映像(ゲームプレイの内容その他競技内容を含みます)が撮影され、ウェブサイト、広報物、紙媒体、放送、配信、ストリーミング配信等を含む各種メディアに掲載されることがあります。入場者・参加者はEVO Japan 2025の会場への入場をもってこれを承諾したものとします。
EVO Japan 2025の会場での入場者・参加者のゲームプレイその他の活動に関連して、画像、映像、音声、文章その他に著作権等を含む何らかの権利が発生する場合であっても、入場者・参加者は実行委員会に対して、実行委員会または実行委員会の指定する者が、当該権利について、日本国内外を問わず、非独占的に、対価の支払いなく、永続的、譲渡可能で、自由に利用(複製、頒布、公衆送信、一部の省略その他の翻案を含みます)する権利(再許諾する権利を含みます)を許諾するものとし、また、著作者人格権、実演家人格権その他の人格的権利を含む如何なる権利も行使しないものとします。
本規約に別段の定めがある場合を除き、いかなる者も実行委員会の許可なしにまたはガイドラインに反してEVO Japan 2025に含まれるまたは他のサーバーに含まれるコンテンツを配信(いわゆるミラー配信を含みます)、投稿、送信等してはならず、また、実行委員会が事前に書面で明示的に許可した場合を除き、EVO Japan 2025のいかなる部分またはコンテンツも複製、複写、販売、転売または商業目的で利用してはいけません。
■ 本規約の変更
■ 準拠法
本規約は、日本法に準拠し、同法に従って解釈されるものとします。EVO Japan 2025に起因または関連する全ての論争および紛争は、東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。
■ 分離可能性
■ 言語
■ 問い合わせ
EVO Japan 2025実行委員会
EVO Japan 2025
Terms of Service
Last Updated: November 30, 2024
These Terms of Service (these “Terms”) apply to all players participating in EVO Japan 2025 (the "Competitors") and all visitors entering the EVO Japan 2025 venue (the "Visitors").
■ Overview of the Event
EVO Japan 2025 consists of the “Qualifying Tournament” and the “Final Tournament” for each title.
➤ Qualifying Tournament
At EVO Japan 2025, the Competitors who registered for each title will play in the Qualifying Tournament. The Competitors who survive the Qualifying Tournament are entitled to participate in the Final Tournament.
➤ Final Tournament
The Final Tournament will be held in a tournament style by the Competitors who won the Qualifying Tournament of each title and qualified to participate in the Final Tournament. For the TOP 8 players/teams in the Final Tournament, the prize provided by the EVO Japan 2025 sponsor will be awarded to the Competitors in recognition of each Competitor’s technical skills, attractive gameplay and performance according to each Competitor’s rank in the Final Tournament.
*The prize is subject to agreeing to the performance contract beforehand and playing the Final Tournament (in the case of minors, the consent of the legal guardian is required). If the Competitor does not agree to the performance contract or misses the Final Tournament, no prize will be awarded.
■ Entry Conditions
You need an Admission Ticket (3 Days Bundle) and a Registration Fee to participate in the Qualifying Tournament. Please purchase the Admission Ticket (3 Days Bundle) and register for the Qualifying Tournament you want to participate in. If you have an Admission Ticket (3 Days Bundle) or an Admission Ticket (1 Day), you can enter the EVO Japan 2025 venue, but you cannot participate in the Qualifying Tournament with an Admission Ticket (1 Day). Please purchase an Admission Ticket (1 Day) only if you do not participate in the Qualifying Tournament.
*Revenue related to participation in the Tournament such as Admission Ticket and Registration Fees will be used solely as part of the costs of EVO Japan 2025 venue rental costs and other set-up costs.
In order to comply with the Act on Control and Improvement of Amusement Business and other laws and regulations, EVO Japan 2025 has been certified as compliant in accordance with the “Guidelines for an entry-fee-charged competition” of Japan esports Union (JeSU). Therefore, the maximum number of registrations for the Qualifying Tournament was set for each title. Although the maximum number of registrations was set by considering the number of registrations in EVO 2024 and EVO Japan 2024 held the previous year and other past competitions, the registration will be closed if the number of registrations reaches the maximum. Please note that it is impossible to register the titles that have reached the maximum number of registrations even if you have already purchased the Admission Ticket. Please make sure to check the registration acceptance status of the title you want to participate in before purchasing the Ticket, and make sure to register as soon as possible after purchasing the Ticket. To check the registration acceptance status, click here.
The Competitors must be at least 13 years old on the day of participation. In addition, if an individual title sets a higher age limit, the Competitors must be older than that age (Competitors of "STREET FIGHTER 6", "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV" and and "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" must be at least 15 years old.).
The consent of the legal guardian is required for the participation of the Competitor under 18 years old.
You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to enter into a binding contract (If not, you agree to these Terms with the permission of your legal guardian or your legal guardian agrees to these Terms on your behalf).
The Competitor must also agree to abide by the rules of EVO Japan 2025 and each title, including these Terms.
■ Prohibited Matters
In EVO JAPAN 2025, the following actions are prohibited.
Section 1 Entry
1. The act of intentionally entering false or another person’s information into the entry information, or entry and participation in the Tournament through other illegal methods.
2. Inclusion of words that evoke discrimination, hate speech, or vulgarity, or are offensive to public order and morals in entry information or player names.
3. Acts that intentionally register the Qualifying Tournament of the same title multiple times and therefore affect the operation.
4. Entry by a person under 13 years old or under the age limit set by the individual title on the day of participation or a person under 18 years old without the legal guardian’s consent.
5. Entry by anti-social forces or similar persons.
Section 2 Participation in the tournament
1. An act of not gathering or being late in the confrontation place at the specified match time.
2. Acts that intentionally interfere with the progress or management of EVO Japan 2025.
3. Acts that do not follow the rules of EVO Japan 2025, the instructions of the management staff and the progress staff.
4. When participating as a management staff or a progress staff, disclosing the management information of EVO Japan 2025 or confidential information you know (including all information not available to the public).
5. Other acts that violate these Terms.
Section 3 During the game
1. The act of deliberately urging the other Competitor to lose.
2. The act of stopping a game without permission, including but not limited to, intentionally damaging game equipment, cutting off a power supply and pulling out the cable.
3. An act that shouts or makes noise during the game and therefore affects the game’s progress.
4. Acts in violation of the rules of each title.
Section 4 In the venue and filming/streaming
1. Eating, drinking or smoking outside the designated area, photographing a subject without permission, photographing in the prohibited areas, various harassment activities, inappropriate behavior, Gambling and similar activities or acts deemed contrary to public order and morality.
2. Any behavior that hinders the Competitors from competing fairly.
3. Photography for commercial use without the Executive Committee's prior permission, photography or video shooting using flash. Use of interchangeable or removable lenses over 50mm. Use of camera mount or fixed lighting. Fixed photography using equipment other than hand-held ones such as tripods.
4. Without permission or contrary to the guidelines of the Executive Committee, streaming (including the so-called "co-streaming"), posting or transmitting of any content contained in EVO Japan 2025 or any other server. And an act of reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, reselling, etc., and commercial use of the content contained in EVO Japan 2025 unless otherwise expressly authorized by the Executive Committee in writing in advance.
■ Penalties
The Executive Committee reserves the right to impose penalties on the Visitors/Competitors for violating these Terms.
Penalties for violators include losing the game by default, deprivation of awards, prize money and prizes, invalidation of entries, banning from the Qualifying Tournament or the Final Tournament and banning from the venue. Even if the Admission Ticket or the Registration Fee you purchased becomes unavailable due to a penalty, the Executive Committee will not refund you.
Penalties will be determined by the Executive Committee based on the nature and severity of the violation and its impact on EVO Japan 2025.
■ Disclaimer
The “Executive Committee” referred to in these Terms includes EVO Japan 2025 Executive Committee’s member companies, member companies’ officers, employees, agents and successors, and entrusted staff involved in the operation of EVO Japan 2025.
The Executive Committee will not be held responsible for any unfavorable conditions that may arise for the Competitors due to defects in hardware, software, game servers or settings of those used in EVO Japan 2025.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the information on the website of EVO Japan 2025, the Executive Committee makes no representation and warranty with respect to the accuracy of its contents, and the Executive Committee assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred as a result of the use, dissemination, or diversion of the information provided on the website.
In the case of the spread of infection, natural disasters, accidents, changes in laws or any other force majeure events, the schedule and contents of EVO Japan 2025 may be changed without notice (such as postponement, cancellation of the event, or cancellation of prize offerings), but the Executive Committee assumes no responsibility for the damage that may be caused to the Visitors/Competitors because of such changes.
If there is a dispute between the Visitors/Competitors, or between the Visitors/Competitors and any third party, the Executive Committee is under no obligation to become involved, and the parties shall resolve the dispute at their own expense and responsibility.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms, in the event of any damages suffered by the Visitors/Competitors due to the Executive Committee’s default or tort (excluding willful misconduct or gross negligence), the Executive Committee shall be liable only for ordinary and direct damages actually caused by the Visitors/Competitors and shall not be liable for consequential damages, indirect damages or other any damages arising from special circumstances (including cases that are foreseen or foreseeable). The Executive Committee shall be liable according to laws and regulations for any damage caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence.
■ Handling of Portrait Rights and Personal Information, etc.
The Executive Committee will use the information collected about the Visitors/Competitors, including personal information, player names and ages that are registered at the time of entry registration, and portraits of the Visitors/Competitors, for the purpose of management and publicity of EVO Japan 2025. The Executive Committee will handle the personal information in accordance with the EVO Japan 2025 Privacy Policy.
During and after the period of EVO Japan 2025, the Executive Committee, its relevant parties, various media, streamers, etc. may take photographs and videos of the Visitors/Competitors (including gameplay content and other competition content), which may appear in a variety of media, including websites, promotional materials, print media, broadcast, distribution and streaming, etc. By entering the venue of EVO Japan 2025, the Visitors/Competitors shall be deemed to have agreed to this treatment.
Even if any rights including copyrights arise in images, videos, sound, text or other materials in relation to your gameplay or other activities in the venue of EVO Japan 2025, you hereby grant the Executive Committee the non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable, worldwide and unrestricted license (including the right to sublicense the same) to use any such materials (such use includes reproduction, distribution, public transmission, partial omission, displaying, publishing, storing, and other adaptations) for the Executive Committee or any third party designated by the Executive Committee, to the extent permitted by applicable laws. You also agree to waive or not exercise any rights, including the moral rights of the author or performers and other moral rights.
Except as otherwise provided herein, without the Executive Committee's permission, no one shall stream (including the so-called "co-stream"), post or transmit of any content contained in EVO Japan 2025 or any other server, and no one shall reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or use for any commercial purpose any part of EVO Japan 2025 or any of its content, except as expressly permitted by the Executive Committee in writing in advance.
■ Changes to These Terms
These Terms fall under the standard terms of contract set forth in Article 548-2 (1) of the Civil Code. The Executive Committee may change these Terms from time to time in accordance with the standard terms of contract amendment provisions set forth in Article 548-4 of the Civil Code.
■ Governing Law
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. All controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to EVO Japan 2025 shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo, Japan as the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.
■ Severability
If any portion of these Terms is deemed invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining portion.
■ Language
These Terms may be translated into a language other than Japanese. If there is any inconsistency in the meaning or wording between the Japanese and the translation, the Japanese shall prevail.
■ Contact
Click herefor the inquiry form.
EVO Japan 2025 Executive Committee