EVO Japan 2025実行委員会
「個人情報の保護に関する法律」(以下、法といいます)では、個人情報取扱事業者である弊社(名称:株式会社room NB、代表取締役 髙際 謙二)が取得する個人情報について、その利用目的等所定の事項を、公表、もしくは本人が容易に知り得る状態に置くべきものと定めています。 弊社は、EVO Japan 2025に関して、下記1から8までの事項につき、以下の通り掲載致します(用語等は、国内ソニーグループ・共通プライバシーポリシーと同一です)。
弊社は、適用法令に従い、保有個人データに関する利用目的の通知〈法32 条2項関係〉、開示〈法33 条2項関係〉、訂正等〈法34条2項関係〉、利用停止等〈法35条2項関係〉、および第三者提供停止〈法35条4項関係〉に関するお問い合わせ(以下あわせて「開示等の請求等」といいます)に対応いたします。手続きの詳細については、こちらからお問い合わせ下さい。
弊社では、国際標準化機構 (ISO) の27001規格群や米国国立標準技術研究所 (NIST) のSP800シリーズなどの業界標準やベストプラクティスに基づき定められたソニーグループ共通のポリシーを適用し、弊社が取得・保有する個人情報に対して厳重なセキュリティ対策を講じています。この対策には、組織的な情報セキュリティマネジメントの実施や定期的な見直し、従業員に対する定期的な教育研修、定期的な情報資産の棚卸、物理的な安全管理措置の実施(従業員の入退室管理、端末管理等)、通信の暗号化、厳格なアクセス制御、情報システムに対する定期的な脆弱性管理、などが含まれます。また、弊社では、お客様から取得した上記Ⅰ-1の取得情報の一部を米国等にあるデータホスティングプロバイダに保存することがあります(上記Ⅰ-3「個人情報の提供先」参照)。この場合、弊社は、同プロバイダにおいて情報の安全管理のために必要かつ適切な措置が行われていることを確認の上、上記保存を行います。
株式会社room NB 個人情報問い合わせ窓口
所在地:〒102-8353 東京都千代田区六番町4番地5
株式会社room NB 個人情報問い合わせ窓口
所在地:〒102-8353 東京都千代田区六番町4番地5
法27条5項3号は、第三者提供の例外として、特定の者との間で共同して利用される個人データ (要配慮個人情報を除く) が当該特定の者に提供される場合であって、その旨および一定の事項を本人が容易に知り得る状態に置いているときは、第三者提供にいう「第三者」に該当せず、あらかじめご本人の同意を得ないで、その共同利用者に個人データを提供できることを定めています。
弊社は、適用法令に従い、保有個人データに関する利用目的の通知〈法32 条2項関係〉、開示〈法33 条2項関係〉、訂正等〈法34条2項関係〉、利用停止等〈法35条2項関係〉、および第三者提供停止〈法35条4項関係〉に関するお問い合わせに対応いたします。手続きの詳細については、こちらからお問い合わせ下さい。
株式会社room NB 個人情報問い合わせ窓口
所在地:〒102-8353 東京都千代田区六番町4番地5
Last Updated: November 30, 2023
EVO Japan 2025 Executive Committee
The Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the “Law”) stipulates that we (Name: room NB Inc., CEO Kenji Takagiwa), a business operator handling personal information, should disclose or put it into a state where a data subject can easily know, the prescribed information including the purpose of use of personal information we collect. We hereby announce items 1 to 8 below as follows regarding EVO Japan 2025 (the definitions of the terms in this Privacy Policy are the same as those used in the Sony Group Japan Common Corporate Privacy Policy).
See section 1 of categories I and II below.
Regarding the purpose of use of personal information at the time of collection (Article 21(1) of the Law) and the purpose of use of retained personal information (Article 32(1) of the Law) (collectively, the "Purpose of Use"), see section 2 of categories I and II below.
When providing personal information to a third party located in a foreign country/region, this section includes information concerning the system, etc. of the protection of personal information in the destination foreign country/region. See section III-2 below about who we share personal information with. For information on the case we have a contractor, it is detailed in section 3 of categories I and II.
Regarding “Measures for the security control of personal information” stipulated in Article.10 of “Cabinet Order to Enforce the Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, see section 4 of categories I and II below.
Regarding “where to lodge a complaint about the handling of retained personal information” stipulated in Article.10 of “Cabinet Order to Enforce the Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, see section 5 of categories I and II below.
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we will respond to the data subject’s requests to inform the Purpose of Use (Article 32(2) of the Law), to disclose(Article 33(2) of the Law), to correct(Article 34(2) of the Law), to cease the utilization (Article 35(2) of the Law) and to cease the third-party provision (Article 35(2) of the Law) of retained personal information (collectively, the "Request for disclosure, etc."). For more information about the procedure, please contact us here.
We will only retain personal information for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the various purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or to comply with any applicable laws and regulations concerning certain types of information. Where we no longer require the collected personal information, it will be destroyed or de-identified. When we say de-identified, it means that we will remove information that could be used to identify you from the collected information.
From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. We will let you know of any material changes to this Privacy Policy through appropriate means.
Name, address and phone number (including your information we obtain from a third party when, for example, such third party designates you as a recipient of a gift), and date of birth, gender, occupation, place of employment, email address, credit/debit card information, contents and history of comments/inquiries/surveys, information about communication terminals, information obtained by using advertisement identifiers and cookies (such as behavioral and location information on the Internet and other electronic networks), and other information acquired in connection with the provision of services (including purchase history and TV/online content viewing history).
Your characteristics, physical appearance, style, portrait and the like that will be filmed or photographed at the venue when you participate in events.
- Sale of products or provision of licenses and services
- Advertisement and promotion of and related to our products and services (including use for information analysis and marketing purposes. We may send you information on products, services and various events by e-mail or direct mail)
- Customer support such as after-sales service (including, use for registration, identity verification, emergency communications, etc.)
- Product and service development
- Publication in various media (including websites, publicity materials, print media, broadcasting, distribution and streaming) during and after the event
- Advertisement distribution based on customer information in advertising spaces such as websites and smartphone applications
- Measurement of ad delivery and effectiveness analysis using customer information
- Information analysis, advertising distribution and effectiveness analysis, etc. conducted by linking information collected from or provided by websites, apps, etc. operated by third parties, such as information about communication terminals, information obtained by using advertisement identifiers and cookies (such as behavioral and location information on the Internet and other electronic networks), etc. with the collected information.
To the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use in I-2 above, we may provide a portion of the collected information in I-1 above to contractors in Japan and the United States. Such contractors include IT service providers and data hosting providers. If our business is outsourced to an overseas business operator, or if the collected information is provided to an overseas business operator for any other reason, it shall be stated in the privacy policy or terms of use of the individual product or service. For an overview of each country's/region’s legal system for the protection of personal information, please check here. See section III-2 below about who we share the collected information with.
We apply Group-wide policies based on industry standards and best practices, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 standards and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800 series, and we take stringent security measures for the personal information we collect and retain. These measures include the implementation and regular review of systematic information security management, regular education and training of employees, regular inventory of information assets, implementation of physical security control measures (management of employee entry and exit, terminal management, etc.), encryption of communications, strict access control and regular vulnerability management to information systems. In addition, we may store some of the collected information described in I-1 above in a data hosting provider located in the United States, etc. (see I-3 "Where to provide personal information" above). In this case, we will make the above retention after confirming that necessary and appropriate measures are taken by the provider to secure the information. Sony Group Japan Common Corporate Privacy Policy also states a basic policy on the handling of personal information. Please also refer to that policy for an overview of security control measures.
room NB Inc.
Address: 4-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8353 Japan
Contact: please contact ushere.
For more information about the procedure, please contact us here.
Name, address, date of birth, gender, phone number, occupation, place of employment, email address, contents and history of comments/inquiries/surveys and other information acquired in connection with the provision of information and various communications.
Your characteristics, physical appearance, style, portrait and the like that will be filmed or photographed at the venue when you participate in events.
- Provision of information and communication to reporters, etc. in connection with public relations activities
- Publication in various media (including websites, publicity materials, print media, broadcasting, distribution and streaming) during and after the event
To the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use in II-2 above, we may provide a portion of the collected information in II-1 above to contractors in Japan and the United States. Such contractors include IT service providers and data hosting providers. For an overview of each country's/region’s legal system for the protection of personal information, please check here.
The same as I-4 above.
room NB Inc.
Address: 4-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8353 Japan
Contact: please contact us here.
For more information about the procedure, please contact us here.
Article 27, Paragraph 5, Item 3 of the Law stipulates, as an exception to third-party provision, that in cases where personal information (excluding special care-required personal information), which is supposed to be shared with a specific party, is actually provided to the specific party, and the data subject can easily know such share and other certain facts, the specific party does not fall under the category of "third party", and personal information can be provided to the specific party without the prior consent of the data subject.
In this regard, we may share the collected information in accordance with the following.
Personal information (contact history, name, address, phone number, email address, and other contact information, product numbers, purchase and service usage history, etc.) provided through your contacts to our customer service related to our products and services (including contacts through the inquiry form on our website, phone call to us or any other form. It also includes application for business opportunities.), or through the customer registration process, and information collected through categories I and II above.
Sony Group Corporation and its group companies subject to the consolidated financial statements (consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method affiliates)
Sony Music Group companies
The following business activities related to products and services.
- Responses to inquiries and consultations with customer support
- Sale of products and provision of services
- Reference for product development and service improvement
- Advertisement and promotion of and related to products and services (including use for information analysis and marketing purposes. The parties we share may send you information on products, services and various events by e-mail or direct mail)
- Advertisement distribution based on customer information in advertising spaces such as websites and smartphone applications
- Measurement of ad delivery and effectiveness analysis using customer information
- Information analysis, advertising distribution and effectiveness analysis, etc. conducted by linking information collected from or provided by websites, apps, etc. operated by third parties, such as information about communication terminals, information obtained by using advertisement identifiers and cookies (such as behavioral and location information on the Internet and other electronic networks), etc. with the collected information.
If there is a possibility of obtaining personal information from children under the age of 15, Sony Group will take special care to ensure that such information is obtained with the consent of the parent or guardian. We also adhere to this policy in principle, but we may set the age covered by the above measures to under the age of 13 if the retention period for personal information is limited to a certain period in advance (for example, in the case of "applying for a gift program" or "registering to participate in an event") and such information is promptly disposed of or anonymized after the period.
In cases where we separately indicate other purpose of use, etc. by means of notification to the data subject or acquisition of approval to the terms of use by the data subject, etc., such purpose of use, etc. shall prevail over the above statements.
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we will respond to the data subject’s requests to notice the Purpose of Use (Article 32(2)), to disclose (Article 33(2)), to correct (Article 34(2)), to cease the utilization (Article 35(2)) and to cease the third-party provision (Article 35(2)) of retained personal information. For more information about the procedure, please contact us here.
We will only retain personal information for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the various purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or to comply with any applicable laws and regulations concerning certain types of information. Where we no longer require the collected personal information, it will be destroyed or de-identified . When we say de-identified, it means that we will remove information that could be used to identify you from the collected information.
From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. We will let you know of any material changes to this Privacy Policy through appropriate means.
room NB Inc.
Address: 4-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8353 Japan
Contact: please contact us here.